Charlotte claims to have attended three University's. If this is true why can't the University's find any record of her ever attending? Is it fraudulent to make false statements on a application to get a job? If so, shouldn't she be deposed and dethroned from her job? Claims have been made that she is a Cherokee Indian; however, in a book on page 171 it states that she is a Creek Indian. Claims have also been made that she is not an Indian at all, So which is it? The truth seems to be as evasive as her credentials. Is she just another person pretending to be an Indian to make a buck? Click on the links below to see the documents of her Resume, University's, and Tribal e-mails regarding this matter. Due to the nature of this problem names, phone#, e-mail addresses as well as Social Security numbers have been omitted or blacked out. Most have been cropped to speed loading time. To return to this page hit your back button. At present all emails to truthseeker will be answered here on this web site in the COMMENTS & REPLY'S link. * Indicates new information posted in that link* These are copies of authentic documents on file CHARLOTTE, RESUME, STETSON, OKLAHOMA, ALABAMA
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